The entrance of a church beautifully decorated for a wedding. The aisle is adorned with white flowers and wedding details, creating a romantic and solemn atmosphere. In the background, with their backs to the camera, stands a bride on her father's arm. They are both looking straight ahead, with the bride wearing a stunning wedding gown, with a long train trailing behind her. Soft light filters through the church windows, gently illuminating the scene and creating a sense of anticipation. The atmosphere is calm, solemn, and filled with emotion, capturing the moment before walking down the aisle.

Protocolo de Cortejo Nupcial: Cómo Organizar la Entrada Perfecta a la Iglesia

Si has elegido una ceremonia católica para tu Boda, seguro que has soñado con ese momento mágico en el que caminas hacia el altar acompañada por tu cortejo. Sin embargo, muchas novias se preguntan: ¿cómo debo acomodar a las personas que forman parte de este momento tan especial? Aquí te explicamos el protocolo tradicional y algunas variantes modernas que puedes considerar.